Bellinzoni B3 Action Top (reinigen) - NCKBLK Bellinzoni B3 Action Top (reinigen) - NCKBLK
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Bellinzoni B3 Action Top (cleaning)
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          Marble Maintenance

          8 Tips to keep your marble in top condition

          1. Clean immediately after use

          • Clean your marble surface immediately after use to prevent stains.
          • Prevent substances from seeping into the marble by cleaning in a timely manner and protecting your table.

          2. Use marble-friendly cleaning agents

          • Choose cleaning agents specially formulated for marble.
          • Avoid acidic substances in cleaning products such as citric acid.
          • Discover our special maintenance set for efficient marble maintenance.

          3. Avoid abrasive (cleaning) agents

          • Only clean your marble surfaces with suitable cloths or kitchen paper. Never use a scouring pad or sponge pans.
          • Never use abrasive agents such as Cif as this can cause dull spots.

          4. Spilled? Wipe the surface immediately

          • Wipe up spilled liquids such as wine immediately with paper towels and water. This way the liquid does not have the chance to penetrate into the marble.
          • Rinse the table thoroughly with water to remove acidic or oily substances and to prevent stains. This way, the liquid does not have the opportunity to enter into a chemical reaction with the lime.

          5. Protect your Tabletop

          • Prevent damage during dinners by using coasters and felt pads.
          • Protect the surface with an impregnation intended for marble.

          6. Inclusion in the Cleaning Routine

          • Include your marble table in your cleaning routine regularly.
          • Use marble maintenance products intended to maintain and protect your table. You can also use green soap for a full appearance of the marble. The oiliness of the green soap ensures a deeper color of the marble.

          7. Annual Impregnation

          • Protect your marble table against liquids by impregnating it every six months.
          • Discover our Bellinzoni spray for long-term protection of your marble table. This spray cleans and protects at the same time.

          8. Think of lime and acid

          • Marble consists of more than 90% lime, keep this in mind. Everything that is acidic stains.
          • Avoid using products that can cause limescale deposits, such as vinegar and anti-limescale agents.

          Acid stains in marble?

          Do not panic. Marble can always be treated well. An acid stain is actually a dull spot in marble that you mainly see in direct sunlight. Do you have such a dull spot on your marble surface? Then there are a number of options to make the dull spots shine again.

          1. A simple solution that works in most cases, but mainly hides the stains, is the HG Top Layer repairer. This cannot be found in our webshop, but you can easily order it via, for example, Karwei . Order this in combination with steel wool 00 (double zero), the finest steel wool variant for the perfect result. This of course remains a 'cover up' of the stains. For real recovery, choose the next option.

          2. Restore the shine of your marble table with our 'Marble Restorer Kit'. This is an extensive DIY maintenance kit with which you can remove every stain or scratch in your table or kitchen top. You are actually going to polish your table again, but then yourself and by hand. The advantage of this set is that you can repeat this infinitely.

          3. You can also have your kitchen top or table professionally polished. Please contact us via THIS REQUEST FORM for professional assistance with repolishing your table. We will send one of our specialists at an hourly rate to completely repair your table on location.

          So stay calm about stains on your marble table or kitchen top, because there is always a solution. Try the tips above and enjoy a spotless table again!
          Marmer restore set (herstellen) - NCKBLK doffe plek in marmer
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          Marble restore set (restore)
          Regular price €159.00